1. All the students are expected to adhere to the school policies.
2. Students should ensure to report to the school on time
3. School timings and time table must be followed strictly. Late comers will not be allowed
4. Students who come to school by their own conveyance should arrive to school five minutes before the bell rings.
5. Every student must have a minimum of 75% attendance to be promoted to the next class (unless medically advised to take rest).
6. The student should report back to school within 8 working days at the beginning of new session, failing which the name will be struck off the school rolls.
7. Once a child has come to the school, he/she should not be asked to come home on half day leave or leave for any period. In case of emergency, the Parents/Guardian may collect the child from the school personally with a prior application
8. In case, the child is being picked up by a person other than the parent/nominee, a prior written permission must be taken from the school authority.
9. Students are required to note down the homework/circulars /notice in the almanac regularly and get it checked from the parents.
10. Students should get the notes, circulars signed by their Parents / Guardians and return them to the class teacher
11. School management reserves the right to suspend / expel the student whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
12. Students should greet their Seniors and Teachers and give them due respect at all times. Bullying and use of inappropriate language is not allowed in the school.
13. Students are expected to walk smartly in a queue and maintain silence whenever they move about in the corridors. They must also ensure that they keep to the left while walking in the corridors or on the stairs.
14. No student shall indulge in any of the following practices namely:
a) Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
b) Rude behaviour
c) Use of violence in any form.
d) Casteism, communalism or the practice of untouchability.
15. Special care must be taken of all the school property. Do not litter. Use the garbage bins. Do not scratch or spoil the desks, chairs and charts or damage school furniture. Do not write or draw anything on the walls or damage things/belongings of others
16. Damage or breakage done even accidentally should be reported to the Class Teacher. The students will be required to pay for any damage to school property.
17. Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones, valuable items or gadgets inside the school premises.If it is found during search, it will be confiscated and strict disciplinary action will be taken.
18. Habitual late comers, uniform defaulters, fee defaulters and students who do not complete their homework regularly, will be sent home after three warnings.
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct states that we will respect property and personal rights, co- operate with and support each other and take responsibility for a safe environment. The teacher's right to teach and a student's right to learn cannot be disturbed by actions of others. Wisdom Global School is committed to develop positive interpersonal relationships between members of the school community. Bullying and harassment at school, along with other disruptive activities, are unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. The rules that apply in all circumstances in our school are:
"Be at the Right Place
With Right Gesture"